Source code for waflib.Tools.compiler_d

#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8
# Carlos Rafael Giani, 2007 (dv)
# Thomas Nagy, 2016-2018 (ita)

Try to detect a D compiler from the list of supported compilers::

	def options(opt):
	def configure(cnf):
	def build(bld):
		bld.program(source='main.d', target='app')

Only three D compilers are really present at the moment:

* gdc
* dmd, the ldc compiler having a very similar command-line interface
* ldc2

import re
from waflib import Utils, Logs

d_compiler = {
'default' : ['gdc', 'dmd', 'ldc2']
Dict mapping the platform names to lists of names of D compilers to try, in order of preference::

	from waflib.Tools.compiler_d import d_compiler
	d_compiler['default'] = ['gdc', 'dmd', 'ldc2']

def default_compilers():
	build_platform = Utils.unversioned_sys_platform()
	possible_compiler_list = d_compiler.get(build_platform, d_compiler['default'])
	return ' '.join(possible_compiler_list)

[docs]def configure(conf): """ Detects a suitable D compiler :raises: :py:class:`waflib.Errors.ConfigurationError` when no suitable compiler is found """ try: test_for_compiler = conf.options.check_d_compiler or default_compilers() except AttributeError: conf.fatal("Add options(opt): opt.load('compiler_d')") for compiler in re.split('[ ,]+', test_for_compiler): conf.env.stash() conf.start_msg('Checking for %r (D compiler)' % compiler) try: conf.load(compiler) except conf.errors.ConfigurationError as e: conf.env.revert() conf.end_msg(False) Logs.debug('compiler_d: %r', e) else: if conf.env.D: conf.end_msg(conf.env.get_flat('D')) conf.env.COMPILER_D = compiler conf.env.commit() break conf.env.revert() conf.end_msg(False) else: conf.fatal('could not configure a D compiler!')
[docs]def options(opt): """ This is how to provide compiler preferences on the command-line:: $ waf configure --check-d-compiler=dmd """ test_for_compiler = default_compilers() d_compiler_opts = opt.add_option_group('Configuration options') d_compiler_opts.add_option('--check-d-compiler', default=None, help='list of D compilers to try [%s]' % test_for_compiler, dest='check_d_compiler') for x in test_for_compiler.split(): opt.load('%s' % x)