Source code for waflib.Tools.errcheck

#! /usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8
# Thomas Nagy, 2011 (ita)

Common mistakes highlighting.

There is a performance impact, so this tool is only loaded when running ``waf -v``

typos = {

meths_typos = ['__call__', 'program', 'shlib', 'stlib', 'objects']

import sys
from waflib import Logs, Build, Node, Task, TaskGen, ConfigSet, Errors, Utils
from waflib.Tools import ccroot

def check_same_targets(self):
	mp = Utils.defaultdict(list)
	uids = {}

	def check_task(tsk):
		if not isinstance(tsk, Task.Task):
		if hasattr(tsk, 'no_errcheck_out'):

		for node in tsk.outputs:
		except KeyError:
			uids[tsk.uid()] = [tsk]

	for g in self.groups:
		for tg in g:
				for tsk in tg.tasks:
			except AttributeError:
				# raised if not a task generator, which should be uncommon

	dupe = False
	for (k, v) in mp.items():
		if len(v) > 1:
			dupe = True
			msg = '* Node %r is created more than once%s. The task generators are:' % (k, Logs.verbose == 1 and " (full message on 'waf -v -v')" or "")
			for x in v:
				if Logs.verbose > 1:
					Logs.error('  %d. %r', 1 + v.index(x), x.generator)
					Logs.error('  %d. %r in %r', 1 + v.index(x),, getattr(x.generator, 'path', None))
			Logs.error('If you think that this is an error, set no_errcheck_out on the task instance')

	if not dupe:
		for (k, v) in uids.items():
			if len(v) > 1:
				Logs.error('* Several tasks use the same identifier. Please check the information on\n')
				tg_details =
				if Logs.verbose > 2:
					tg_details = tsk.generator
				for tsk in v:
					Logs.error('  - object %r (%r) defined in %r', tsk.__class__.__name__, tsk, tg_details)

def check_invalid_constraints(self):
	feat = set()
	for x in list(TaskGen.feats.values()):
	for (x, y) in TaskGen.task_gen.prec.items():
	ext = set()
	for x in TaskGen.task_gen.mappings.values():
	invalid = ext & feat
	if invalid:
		Logs.error('The methods %r have invalid annotations:  @extension <-> @feature/@before_method/@after_method', list(invalid))

	# the build scripts have been read, so we can check for invalid after/before attributes on task classes
	for cls in list(Task.classes.values()):
		if sys.hexversion > 0x3000000 and issubclass(cls, Task.Task) and isinstance(cls.hcode, str):
			raise Errors.WafError('Class %r has hcode value %r of type <str>, expecting <bytes> (use Utils.h_cmd() ?)' % (cls, cls.hcode))

		for x in ('before', 'after'):
			for y in Utils.to_list(getattr(cls, x, [])):
				if not Task.classes.get(y):
					Logs.error('Erroneous order constraint %r=%r on task class %r', x, y, cls.__name__)
		if getattr(cls, 'rule', None):
			Logs.error('Erroneous attribute "rule" on task class %r (rename to "run_str")', cls.__name__)

[docs]def replace(m): """ Replaces existing BuildContext methods to verify parameter names, for example ``bld(source=)`` has no ending *s* """ oldcall = getattr(Build.BuildContext, m) def call(self, *k, **kw): ret = oldcall(self, *k, **kw) for x in typos: if x in kw: if x == 'iscopy' and 'subst' in getattr(self, 'features', ''): continue Logs.error('Fix the typo %r -> %r on %r', x, typos[x], ret) return ret setattr(Build.BuildContext, m, call)
[docs]def enhance_lib(): """ Modifies existing classes and methods to enable error verification """ for m in meths_typos: replace(m) # catch '..' in ant_glob patterns def ant_glob(self, *k, **kw): if k: lst = Utils.to_list(k[0]) for pat in lst: sp = pat.split('/') if '..' in sp: Logs.error("In ant_glob pattern %r: '..' means 'two dots', not 'parent directory'", k[0]) if '.' in sp: Logs.error("In ant_glob pattern %r: '.' means 'one dot', not 'current directory'", k[0]) return self.old_ant_glob(*k, **kw) Node.Node.old_ant_glob = Node.Node.ant_glob Node.Node.ant_glob = ant_glob # catch ant_glob on build folders def ant_iter(self, accept=None, maxdepth=25, pats=[], dir=False, src=True, remove=True, quiet=False): if remove: try: if self.is_child_of(self.ctx.bldnode) and not quiet: quiet = True Logs.error('Calling ant_glob on build folders (%r) is dangerous: add quiet=True / remove=False', self) except AttributeError: pass return self.old_ant_iter(accept, maxdepth, pats, dir, src, remove, quiet) Node.Node.old_ant_iter = Node.Node.ant_iter Node.Node.ant_iter = ant_iter # catch conflicting ext_in/ext_out/before/after declarations old = Task.is_before def is_before(t1, t2): ret = old(t1, t2) if ret and old(t2, t1): Logs.error('Contradictory order constraints in classes %r %r', t1, t2) return ret Task.is_before = is_before # check for bld(feature='cshlib') where no 'c' is given - this can be either a mistake or on purpose # so we only issue a warning def check_err_features(self): lst = self.to_list(self.features) if 'shlib' in lst: Logs.error('feature shlib -> cshlib, dshlib or cxxshlib') for x in ('c', 'cxx', 'd', 'fc'): if not x in lst and lst and lst[0] in [x+y for y in ('program', 'shlib', 'stlib')]: Logs.error('%r features is probably missing %r', self, x) TaskGen.feature('*')(check_err_features) # check for erroneous order constraints def check_err_order(self): if not hasattr(self, 'rule') and not 'subst' in Utils.to_list(self.features): for x in ('before', 'after', 'ext_in', 'ext_out'): if hasattr(self, x): Logs.warn('Erroneous order constraint %r on non-rule based task generator %r', x, self) else: for x in ('before', 'after'): for y in self.to_list(getattr(self, x, [])): if not Task.classes.get(y): Logs.error('Erroneous order constraint %s=%r on %r (no such class)', x, y, self) TaskGen.feature('*')(check_err_order) # check for @extension used with @feature/@before_method/@after_method def check_compile(self): check_invalid_constraints(self) try: ret = self.orig_compile() finally: check_same_targets(self) return ret Build.BuildContext.orig_compile = Build.BuildContext.compile Build.BuildContext.compile = check_compile # check for invalid build groups #914 def use_rec(self, name, **kw): try: y = self.bld.get_tgen_by_name(name) except Errors.WafError: pass else: idx = self.bld.get_group_idx(self) odx = self.bld.get_group_idx(y) if odx > idx: msg = "Invalid 'use' across build groups:" if Logs.verbose > 1: msg += '\n target %r\n uses:\n %r' % (self, y) else: msg += " %r uses %r (try 'waf -v -v' for the full error)" % (, name) raise Errors.WafError(msg) self.orig_use_rec(name, **kw) TaskGen.task_gen.orig_use_rec = TaskGen.task_gen.use_rec TaskGen.task_gen.use_rec = use_rec # check for env.append def _getattr(self, name, default=None): if name == 'append' or name == 'add': raise Errors.WafError('env.append and env.add do not exist: use env.append_value/env.append_unique') elif name == 'prepend': raise Errors.WafError('env.prepend does not exist: use env.prepend_value') if name in self.__slots__: return super(ConfigSet.ConfigSet, self).__getattr__(name, default) else: return self[name] ConfigSet.ConfigSet.__getattr__ = _getattr
[docs]def options(opt): """ Error verification can be enabled by default (not just on ``waf -v``) by adding to the user script options """ enhance_lib()