Source code for waflib.Tools.qt5

#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8
# Thomas Nagy, 2006-2018 (ita)
# Rafaƫl Kooi, 2023 (RA-Kooi)

This tool helps with finding Qt5 and Qt6 tools and libraries,
and also provides syntactic sugar for using Qt5 and Qt6 tools.

The following snippet illustrates the tool usage::

	def options(opt):
		opt.load('compiler_cxx qt5')

	def configure(conf):
		conf.load('compiler_cxx qt5')

	def build(bld):
			features = 'qt5 cxx cxxprogram',
			uselib   = 'QT5CORE QT5GUI QT5OPENGL QT5SVG',
			source   = 'main.cpp textures.qrc aboutDialog.ui',
			target   = 'window',

Alternatively the following snippet illustrates Qt6 tool usage::

    def options(opt):
        opt.load('compiler_cxx qt5')

    def configure(conf):
        conf.want_qt6 = True
        conf.load('compiler_cxx qt5')

    def build(bld):
            features = 'qt6 cxx cxxprogram',
            uselib   = 'QT6CORE QT6GUI QT6OPENGL QT6SVG',
            source   = 'main.cpp textures.qrc aboutDialog.ui',
            target   = 'window',

Here, the UI description and resource files will be processed
to generate code.


Load the "qt5" tool.

You also need to edit your sources accordingly:

- the normal way of doing things is to have your C++ files
  include the .moc file.
  This is regarded as the best practice (and provides much faster
  It also implies that the include paths have beenset properly.

- to have the include paths added automatically, use the following::

     from waflib.TaskGen import feature, before_method, after_method
     def add_includes_paths(self):
        incs = set(self.to_list(getattr(self, 'includes', '')))
        for x in self.compiled_tasks:
        self.includes = sorted(incs)

Note: another tool provides Qt processing that does not require
.moc includes, see 'playground/slow_qt/'.

A few options (--qt{dir,bin,...}) and environment variables
(QT5_{ROOT,DIR,MOC,UIC,XCOMPILE}) allow finer tuning of the tool,
tool path selection, etc; please read the source for more info.
For Qt6 replace the QT5_ prefix with QT6_.

The detection uses pkg-config on Linux by default. The list of
libraries to be requested to pkg-config is formulated by scanning
in the QTLIBS directory (that can be passed via --qtlibs or by
setting the environment variable QT5_LIBDIR or QT6_LIBDIR otherwise is
derived by querying qmake for QT_INSTALL_LIBS directory) for
shared/static libraries present.
Alternatively the list of libraries to be requested via pkg-config
can be set using the qt5_vars attribute, ie:

      conf.qt5_vars = ['Qt5Core', 'Qt5Gui', 'Qt5Widgets', 'Qt5Test'];

For Qt6 use the qt6_vars attribute.

This can speed up configuration phase if needed libraries are
known beforehand, can improve detection on systems with a
sparse QT5/Qt6 libraries installation (ie. NIX) and can improve
detection of some header-only Qt modules (ie. Qt5UiPlugin).

To force static library detection use:
QT5_XCOMPILE=1 QT5_FORCE_STATIC=1 waf configure

To use Qt6 set the want_qt6 attribute, ie:

    conf.want_qt6 = True;

	from xml.sax import make_parser
	from xml.sax.handler import ContentHandler
except ImportError:
	has_xml = False
	ContentHandler = object
	has_xml = True

import os, sys, re
from waflib.Tools import cxx
from waflib import Build, Task, Utils, Options, Errors, Context
from waflib.TaskGen import feature, after_method, extension, before_method
from waflib.Configure import conf
from waflib import Logs

MOC_H = ['.h', '.hpp', '.hxx', '.hh']
File extensions associated to .moc files

EXT_RCC = ['.qrc']
File extension for the resource (.qrc) files

EXT_UI  = ['.ui']
File extension for the user interface (.ui) files

EXT_QT5 = ['.cpp', '.cc', '.cxx', '.C']
File extensions of C++ files that may require a .moc processing

[docs]class qxx(Task.classes['cxx']): """ Each C++ file can have zero or several .moc files to create. They are known only when the files are scanned (preprocessor) To avoid scanning the c++ files each time (parsing C/C++), the results are retrieved from the task cache (bld.node_deps/bld.raw_deps). The moc tasks are also created *dynamically* during the build. """ def __init__(self, *k, **kw): Task.Task.__init__(self, *k, **kw) self.moc_done = 0
[docs] def runnable_status(self): """ Compute the task signature to make sure the scanner was executed. Create the moc tasks by using :py:meth:`waflib.Tools.qt5.qxx.add_moc_tasks` (if necessary), then postpone the task execution (there is no need to recompute the task signature). """ if self.moc_done: return Task.Task.runnable_status(self) else: for t in self.run_after: if not t.hasrun: return Task.ASK_LATER self.add_moc_tasks() return Task.Task.runnable_status(self)
[docs] def create_moc_task(self, h_node, m_node): """ If several libraries use the same classes, it is possible that moc will run several times (Issue 1318) It is not possible to change the file names, but we can assume that the moc transformation will be identical, and the moc tasks can be shared in a global cache. """ try: moc_cache = self.generator.bld.moc_cache except AttributeError: moc_cache = self.generator.bld.moc_cache = {} try: return moc_cache[h_node] except KeyError: tsk = moc_cache[h_node] = Task.classes['moc'](env=self.env, generator=self.generator) tsk.set_inputs(h_node) tsk.set_outputs(m_node) tsk.env.append_unique('MOC_FLAGS', '-i') if self.generator: self.generator.tasks.append(tsk) # direct injection in the build phase (safe because called from the main thread) gen = self.generator.bld.producer gen.outstanding.append(tsk) += 1 return tsk else: # remove the signature, it must be recomputed with the moc task delattr(self, 'cache_sig')
[docs] def add_moc_tasks(self): """ Creates moc tasks by looking in the list of file dependencies ``bld.raw_deps[self.uid()]`` """ node = self.inputs[0] bld = self.generator.bld # skip on uninstall due to generated files if bld.is_install == Build.UNINSTALL: return try: # compute the signature once to know if there is a moc file to create self.signature() except KeyError: # the moc file may be referenced somewhere else pass else: # remove the signature, it must be recomputed with the moc task delattr(self, 'cache_sig') include_nodes = [node.parent] + self.generator.includes_nodes moctasks = [] mocfiles = set() for d in bld.raw_deps.get(self.uid(), []): if not d.endswith('.moc'): continue # process that base.moc only once if d in mocfiles: continue mocfiles.add(d) # find the source associated with the moc file h_node = None base2 = d[:-4] # foo.moc from foo.cpp prefix =['.')] if base2 == prefix: h_node = node else: # this deviates from the standard # if bar.cpp includes foo.moc, then assume it is from foo.h for x in include_nodes: for e in MOC_H: h_node = x.find_node(base2 + e) if h_node: break else: continue break if h_node: m_node = h_node.change_ext('.moc') else: raise Errors.WafError('No source found for %r which is a moc file' % d) # create the moc task task = self.create_moc_task(h_node, m_node) moctasks.append(task) # simple scheduler dependency: run the moc task before others self.run_after.update(set(moctasks)) self.moc_done = 1
[docs]class trans_update(Task.Task): """Updates a .ts files from a list of C++ files""" run_str = '${QT_LUPDATE} ${SRC} -ts ${TGT}' color = 'BLUE'
[docs]class XMLHandler(ContentHandler): """ Parses ``.qrc`` files """ def __init__(self): ContentHandler.__init__(self) self.buf = [] self.files = []
[docs] def startElement(self, name, attrs): if name == 'file': self.buf = []
[docs] def endElement(self, name): if name == 'file': self.files.append(str(''.join(self.buf)))
[docs] def characters(self, cars): self.buf.append(cars)
[docs]@extension(*EXT_RCC) def create_rcc_task(self, node): "Creates rcc and cxx tasks for ``.qrc`` files" rcnode = node.change_ext('_rc.%d.cpp' % self.idx) self.create_task('rcc', node, rcnode) cpptask = self.create_task('cxx', rcnode, rcnode.change_ext('.o')) try: self.compiled_tasks.append(cpptask) except AttributeError: self.compiled_tasks = [cpptask] return cpptask
[docs]@extension(*EXT_UI) def create_uic_task(self, node): "Create uic tasks for user interface ``.ui`` definition files" """ If UIC file is used in more than one bld, we would have a conflict in parallel execution It is not possible to change the file names (like .self.idx. as for objects) as they have to be referenced by the source file, but we can assume that the transformation will be identical and the tasks can be shared in a global cache. """ try: uic_cache = self.bld.uic_cache except AttributeError: uic_cache = self.bld.uic_cache = {} if node not in uic_cache: uictask = uic_cache[node] = self.create_task('ui5', node) uictask.outputs = [node.parent.find_or_declare(self.env.ui_PATTERN %[:-3])]
[docs]@extension('.ts') def add_lang(self, node): """Adds all the .ts file into ``self.lang``""" self.lang = self.to_list(getattr(self, 'lang', [])) + [node]
[docs]@feature('qt5', 'qt6') @before_method('process_source') def process_mocs(self): """ Processes MOC files included in headers:: def build(bld): bld.program(features='qt5', source='main.cpp', target='app', use='QT5CORE', moc='foo.h') The build will run moc on foo.h to create moc_foo.n.cpp. The number in the file name is provided to avoid name clashes when the same headers are used by several targets. """ lst = self.to_nodes(getattr(self, 'moc', [])) self.source = self.to_list(getattr(self, 'source', [])) for x in lst: prefix =['.')] # foo.h -> foo moc_target = 'moc_%s.%d.cpp' % (prefix, self.idx) moc_node = x.parent.find_or_declare(moc_target) self.source.append(moc_node) self.create_task('moc', x, moc_node)
[docs]@feature('qt5', 'qt6') @after_method('apply_link') def apply_qt5(self): """ Adds MOC_FLAGS which may be necessary for moc:: def build(bld): bld.program(features='qt5', source='main.cpp', target='app', use='QT5CORE') The additional parameters are: :param lang: list of translation files (\\*.ts) to process :type lang: list of :py:class:`waflib.Node.Node` or string without the .ts extension :param update: whether to process the C++ files to update the \\*.ts files (use **waf --translate**) :type update: bool :param langname: if given, transform the \\*.ts files into a .qrc files to include in the binary file :type langname: :py:class:`waflib.Node.Node` or string without the .qrc extension """ if getattr(self, 'lang', None): qmtasks = [] for x in self.to_list(self.lang): if isinstance(x, str): x = self.path.find_resource(x + '.ts') qmtasks.append(self.create_task('ts2qm', x, x.change_ext('.%d.qm' % self.idx))) if getattr(self, 'update', None) and Options.options.trans_qt5: cxxnodes = [a.inputs[0] for a in self.compiled_tasks] + [ a.inputs[0] for a in self.tasks if a.inputs and a.inputs[0].name.endswith('.ui')] for x in qmtasks: self.create_task('trans_update', cxxnodes, x.inputs) if getattr(self, 'langname', None): qmnodes = [x.outputs[0] for x in qmtasks] rcnode = self.langname if isinstance(rcnode, str): rcnode = self.path.find_or_declare(rcnode + ('.%d.qrc' % self.idx)) t = self.create_task('qm2rcc', qmnodes, rcnode) k = create_rcc_task(self, t.outputs[0]) self.link_task.inputs.append(k.outputs[0]) lst = [] for flag in self.to_list(self.env.CXXFLAGS): if len(flag) < 2: continue f = flag[0:2] if f in ('-D', '-I', '/D', '/I'): if (f[0] == '/'): lst.append('-' + flag[1:]) else: lst.append(flag) self.env.append_value('MOC_FLAGS', lst)
[docs]@extension(*EXT_QT5) def cxx_hook(self, node): """ Re-maps C++ file extensions to the :py:class:`waflib.Tools.qt5.qxx` task. """ return self.create_compiled_task('qxx', node)
[docs]class rcc(Task.Task): """ Processes ``.qrc`` files """ color = 'BLUE' run_str = '${QT_RCC} -name ${tsk.rcname()} ${SRC[0].abspath()} ${RCC_ST} -o ${TGT}' ext_out = ['.h'] def rcname(self): return os.path.splitext(self.inputs[0].name)[0]
[docs] def scan(self): """Parse the *.qrc* files""" if not has_xml: Logs.error('No xml.sax support was found, rcc dependencies will be incomplete!') return ([], []) parser = make_parser() curHandler = XMLHandler() parser.setContentHandler(curHandler) with open(self.inputs[0].abspath(), 'r') as f: parser.parse(f) nodes = [] names = [] root = self.inputs[0].parent for x in curHandler.files: nd = root.find_resource(x) if nd: nodes.append(nd) else: names.append(x) return (nodes, names)
[docs] def quote_flag(self, x): """ Override Task.quote_flag. QT parses the argument files differently than cl.exe and link.exe :param x: flag :type x: string :return: quoted flag :rtype: string """ return x
[docs]class moc(Task.Task): """ Creates ``.moc`` files """ color = 'BLUE' run_str = '${QT_MOC} ${MOC_FLAGS} ${MOCCPPPATH_ST:INCPATHS} ${MOCDEFINES_ST:DEFINES} ${SRC} ${MOC_ST} ${TGT}'
[docs] def quote_flag(self, x): """ Override Task.quote_flag. QT parses the argument files differently than cl.exe and link.exe :param x: flag :type x: string :return: quoted flag :rtype: string """ return x
[docs]class ui5(Task.Task): """ Processes ``.ui`` files """ color = 'BLUE' run_str = '${QT_UIC} ${SRC} -o ${TGT}' ext_out = ['.h']
[docs]class ts2qm(Task.Task): """ Generates ``.qm`` files from ``.ts`` files """ color = 'BLUE' run_str = '${QT_LRELEASE} ${QT_LRELEASE_FLAGS} ${SRC} -qm ${TGT}'
[docs]class qm2rcc(Task.Task): """ Generates ``.qrc`` files from ``.qm`` files """ color = 'BLUE' after = 'ts2qm'
[docs] def run(self): """Create a qrc file including the inputs""" txt = '\n'.join(['<file>%s</file>' % k.path_from(self.outputs[0].parent) for k in self.inputs]) code = '<!DOCTYPE RCC><RCC version="1.0">\n<qresource>\n%s\n</qresource>\n</RCC>' % txt self.outputs[0].write(code)
[docs]def configure(self): """ Besides the configuration options, the environment variable QT5_ROOT may be used to give the location of the qt5 libraries (absolute path). The detection uses the program ``pkg-config`` through :py:func:`waflib.Tools.config_c.check_cfg` """ if 'COMPILER_CXX' not in self.env: self.fatal('No CXX compiler defined: did you forget to configure compiler_cxx first?') self.want_qt6 = getattr(self, 'want_qt6', False) if self.want_qt6: self.qt_vars = Utils.to_list(getattr(self, 'qt6_vars', [])) else: self.qt_vars = Utils.to_list(getattr(self, 'qt5_vars', [])) self.find_qt5_binaries() self.set_qt5_libs_dir() self.set_qt5_libs_to_check() self.set_qt5_defines() self.find_qt5_libraries() self.add_qt5_rpath() self.simplify_qt5_libs() # warn about this during the configuration too if not has_xml: Logs.error('No xml.sax support was found, rcc dependencies will be incomplete!') feature = 'qt6' if self.want_qt6 else 'qt5' # Qt5 may be compiled with '-reduce-relocations' which requires dependent programs to have -fPIE or -fPIC? frag = '#include <QMap>\nint main(int argc, char **argv) {QMap<int,int> m;return m.keys().size();}\n' uses = 'QT6CORE' if self.want_qt6 else 'QT5CORE' # Qt6 requires C++17 ( flags_candidates = [] if self.env.CXX_NAME == 'msvc': stdflag = '/std:c++17' if self.want_qt6 else '/std:c++11' flags_candidates = [[], ['/Zc:__cplusplus', '/permissive-', stdflag]] else: # Qt5 and fallback: guess the flags stdflag = '-std=c++17' if self.want_qt6 else '-std=c++11' flags_candidates = [[], ['-fPIE'], ['-fPIC'], [stdflag], [stdflag, '-fPIE'], [stdflag, '-fPIC']] # Qt6 has a new build option called 'FEATURE_no_direct_extern_access', # which some distros might use. There's no need to do this on Windows # as Windows doesn't have this issue by nature of dllexport and dllimport. # # Qt6 does not raise any build error when PIC and PIE are both # used at the same time which is the default for some compilers if self.want_qt6 and self.env.DEST_BINFMT == 'elf': path = self.qt_pkg_config_path() mkspecsdir = self.check_cfg( package = 'Qt6Platform', msg = 'Checking for mkspecsdir', args = ['--variable', 'mkspecsdir'], mandatory = False, pkg_config_path = path ) if mkspecsdir: mkspecsdir = mkspecsdir.strip() else: mkspecsdir = '' self.to_log('Could not detect the Qt6 configuration') qt6_flags = [] qconfig_pri = os.path.join(mkspecsdir, 'qconfig.pri') self.start_msg('Reading qconfig.pri') try: with open(qconfig_pri, 'r') as f: txt = self.end_msg('ok') except OSError as e: self.end_msg('unavailable (incomplete detection)', 'YELLOW') self.to_log('File %r is unreadable %r' % (qconfig_pri, e)) else: for line in txt.splitlines(): if line.startswith('QT_CONFIG'): if '.disabled_features' in line: continue if 'no_direct_extern_access' in line: if self.env.CXX_NAME == 'gcc': qt6_flags.append('-mno-direct-extern-access') elif self.env.CXX_NAME == 'clang': qt6_flags.append('-fno-direct-access-external-data') self.to_log('Qt has been built with `no_direct_extern_access` enabled, this feature has only been tested with ld.bfd as linker.\nUse at your own risk. If you do not know what linker you are using, you are most likely using ld.bfd.') if 'reduce_relocations' in line: if self.env.CXX_NAME in ('gcc', 'clang'): qt6_flags.append('-fPIC') if qt6_flags: # Try this configuration first qt6_flags.append(stdflag) flags_candidates.insert(0, qt6_flags) for flags in flags_candidates: msg = 'See if Qt files compile ' if flags: msg += 'with %r' % (' '.join(flags)) try: self.check(features=feature + ' cxx', use=uses, uselib_store=feature, cxxflags=flags, fragment=frag, msg=msg) except self.errors.ConfigurationError: pass else: break else: self.fatal('Could not build a simple Qt application') # FreeBSD does not add /usr/local/lib and the pkg-config files do not provide it either :-/ if Utils.unversioned_sys_platform() == 'freebsd': frag = '#include <QMap>\nint main(int argc, char **argv) {QMap<int,int> m;return m.keys().size();}\n' try: self.check(features=feature + ' cxx cxxprogram', use=uses, fragment=frag, msg='Can we link Qt programs on FreeBSD directly?') except self.errors.ConfigurationError: self.check(features=feature + ' cxx cxxprogram', use=uses, uselib_store=feature, libpath='/usr/local/lib', fragment=frag, msg='Is /usr/local/lib required?')
[docs]@conf def find_qt5_binaries(self): """ Detects Qt programs such as qmake, moc, uic, lrelease """ env = self.env opt = Options.options qtdir = getattr(opt, 'qtdir', '') qtbin = getattr(opt, 'qtbin', '') qt_ver = '6' if self.want_qt6 else '5' paths = [] if qtdir: qtbin = os.path.join(qtdir, 'bin') # the qt directory has been given from QT5_ROOT - deduce the qt binary path if not qtdir: qtdir = self.environ.get('QT' + qt_ver + '_ROOT', '') qtbin = self.environ.get('QT' + qt_ver + '_BIN') or os.path.join(qtdir, 'bin') if qtbin: paths = [qtbin] # no qtdir, look in the path and in /usr/local/Trolltech if not qtdir: paths = self.environ.get('PATH', '').split(os.pathsep) paths.extend([ '/usr/share/qt' + qt_ver + '/bin', '/usr/local/lib/qt' + qt_ver + '/bin']) try: lst = Utils.listdir('/usr/local/Trolltech/') except OSError: pass else: if lst: lst.sort() lst.reverse() # keep the highest version qtdir = '/usr/local/Trolltech/%s/' % lst[0] qtbin = os.path.join(qtdir, 'bin') paths.append(qtbin) # at the end, try to find qmake in the paths given # keep the one with the highest version cand = None prev_ver = ['0', '0', '0'] qmake_vars = ['qmake-qt' + qt_ver, 'qmake' + qt_ver, 'qmake'] for qmk in qmake_vars: try: qmake = self.find_program(qmk, path_list=paths) except self.errors.ConfigurationError: pass else: try: version = self.cmd_and_log(qmake + ['-query', 'QT_VERSION']).strip() except self.errors.WafError: pass else: if version: new_ver = version.split('.') if new_ver[0] == qt_ver and new_ver > prev_ver: cand = qmake prev_ver = new_ver # qmake could not be found easily, rely on qtchooser if not cand: try: self.find_program('qtchooser') except self.errors.ConfigurationError: pass else: cmd = self.env.QTCHOOSER + ['-qt=' + qt_ver, '-run-tool=qmake'] try: version = self.cmd_and_log(cmd + ['-query', 'QT_VERSION']) except self.errors.WafError: pass else: cand = cmd if cand: self.env.QMAKE = cand else: self.fatal('Could not find qmake for qt' + qt_ver) # Once we have qmake, we want to query qmake for the paths where we want to look for tools instead paths = [] self.env.QT_HOST_BINS = qtbin = self.cmd_and_log(self.env.QMAKE + ['-query', 'QT_HOST_BINS']).strip() paths.append(qtbin) if self.want_qt6: self.env.QT_HOST_LIBEXECS = self.cmd_and_log(self.env.QMAKE + ['-query', 'QT_HOST_LIBEXECS']).strip() paths.append(self.env.QT_HOST_LIBEXECS) def find_bin(lst, var): if var in env: return for f in lst: try: ret = self.find_program(f, path_list=paths) except self.errors.ConfigurationError: pass else: env[var]=ret break find_bin(['uic-qt' + qt_ver, 'uic'], 'QT_UIC') if not env.QT_UIC: self.fatal('cannot find the uic compiler for qt' + qt_ver) self.start_msg('Checking for uic version') uicver = self.cmd_and_log(env.QT_UIC + ['-version'], output=Context.BOTH) uicver = ''.join(uicver).strip() uicver = uicver.replace('Qt User Interface Compiler ','').replace('User Interface Compiler for Qt', '') self.end_msg(uicver) if uicver.find(' 3.') != -1 or uicver.find(' 4.') != -1 or (self.want_qt6 and uicver.find(' 5.') != -1): if self.want_qt6: self.fatal('this uic compiler is for qt3 or qt4 or qt5, add uic for qt6 to your path') else: self.fatal('this uic compiler is for qt3 or qt4, add uic for qt5 to your path') find_bin(['moc-qt' + qt_ver, 'moc'], 'QT_MOC') find_bin(['rcc-qt' + qt_ver, 'rcc'], 'QT_RCC') find_bin(['lrelease-qt' + qt_ver, 'lrelease'], 'QT_LRELEASE') find_bin(['lupdate-qt' + qt_ver, 'lupdate'], 'QT_LUPDATE') env.UIC_ST = '%s -o %s' env.MOC_ST = '-o' env.ui_PATTERN = 'ui_%s.h' env.QT_LRELEASE_FLAGS = ['-silent'] env.MOCCPPPATH_ST = '-I%s' env.MOCDEFINES_ST = '-D%s'
[docs]@conf def set_qt5_libs_dir(self): env = self.env qt_ver = '6' if self.want_qt6 else '5' qtlibs = getattr(Options.options, 'qtlibs', None) or self.environ.get('QT' + qt_ver + '_LIBDIR') if not qtlibs: try: qtlibs = self.cmd_and_log(env.QMAKE + ['-query', 'QT_INSTALL_LIBS']).strip() except Errors.WafError: qtdir = self.cmd_and_log(env.QMAKE + ['-query', 'QT_INSTALL_PREFIX']).strip() qtlibs = os.path.join(qtdir, 'lib') self.msg('Found the Qt' + qt_ver + ' library path', qtlibs) env.QTLIBS = qtlibs
[docs]@conf def find_single_qt5_lib(self, name, uselib, qtlibs, qtincludes, force_static): env = self.env qt_ver = '6' if self.want_qt6 else '5' if force_static: exts = ('.a', '.lib') prefix = 'STLIB' else: exts = ('.so', '.lib') prefix = 'LIB' def lib_names(): for x in exts: for k in ('', qt_ver) if Utils.is_win32 else ['']: for p in ('lib', ''): yield (p, name, k, x) for tup in lib_names(): k = ''.join(tup) path = os.path.join(qtlibs, k) if os.path.exists(path): if env.DEST_OS == 'win32': libval = ''.join(tup[:-1]) else: libval = name env.append_unique(prefix + '_' + uselib, libval) env.append_unique('%sPATH_%s' % (prefix, uselib), qtlibs) env.append_unique('INCLUDES_' + uselib, qtincludes) env.append_unique('INCLUDES_' + uselib, os.path.join(qtincludes, name.replace('Qt' + qt_ver, 'Qt'))) return k return False
[docs]@conf def qt_pkg_config_path(self): env = self.env qt_ver = '6' if self.want_qt6 else '5' path = '%s:%s:%s/pkgconfig:/usr/lib/qt%s/lib/pkgconfig:/opt/qt%s/lib/pkgconfig:/usr/lib/qt%s/lib:/opt/qt%s/lib' % ( self.environ.get('PKG_CONFIG_PATH', ''), env.QTLIBS, env.QTLIBS, qt_ver, qt_ver, qt_ver, qt_ver ) return path
[docs]@conf def find_qt5_libraries(self): env = self.env qt_ver = '6' if self.want_qt6 else '5' qtincludes = self.environ.get('QT' + qt_ver + '_INCLUDES') or self.cmd_and_log(env.QMAKE + ['-query', 'QT_INSTALL_HEADERS']).strip() force_static = self.environ.get('QT' + qt_ver + '_FORCE_STATIC') try: if self.environ.get('QT' + qt_ver + '_XCOMPILE'): self.fatal('QT' + qt_ver + '_XCOMPILE Disables pkg-config detection') self.check_cfg(atleast_pkgconfig_version='0.1') except self.errors.ConfigurationError: for i in self.qt_vars: uselib = i.upper() if Utils.unversioned_sys_platform() == 'darwin': # Since at least qt 4.7.3 each library locates in separate directory fwk = i.replace('Qt' + qt_ver, 'Qt') frameworkName = fwk + '.framework' qtDynamicLib = os.path.join(env.QTLIBS, frameworkName, fwk) if os.path.exists(qtDynamicLib): env.append_unique('FRAMEWORK_' + uselib, fwk) env.append_unique('FRAMEWORKPATH_' + uselib, env.QTLIBS) self.msg('Checking for %s' % i, qtDynamicLib, 'GREEN') else: self.msg('Checking for %s' % i, False, 'YELLOW') env.append_unique('INCLUDES_' + uselib, os.path.join(env.QTLIBS, frameworkName, 'Headers')) else: ret = self.find_single_qt5_lib(i, uselib, env.QTLIBS, qtincludes, force_static) if not force_static and not ret: ret = self.find_single_qt5_lib(i, uselib, env.QTLIBS, qtincludes, True) self.msg('Checking for %s' % i, ret, 'GREEN' if ret else 'YELLOW') else: path = self.qt_pkg_config_path() for i in self.qt_vars: self.check_cfg(package=i, args='--cflags --libs', mandatory=False, force_static=force_static, pkg_config_path=path)
[docs]@conf def simplify_qt5_libs(self): """ Since library paths make really long command-lines, and since everything depends on qtcore, remove the qtcore ones from qtgui, etc """ env = self.env def process_lib(vars_, coreval): for d in vars_: var = d.upper() if var == 'QTCORE': continue value = env['LIBPATH_'+var] if value: core = env[coreval] accu = [] for lib in value: if lib in core: continue accu.append(lib) env['LIBPATH_'+var] = accu process_lib(self.qt_vars, 'LIBPATH_QTCORE')
[docs]@conf def add_qt5_rpath(self): """ Defines rpath entries for Qt libraries """ env = self.env if getattr(Options.options, 'want_rpath', False): def process_rpath(vars_, coreval): for d in vars_: var = d.upper() value = env['LIBPATH_' + var] if value: core = env[coreval] accu = [] for lib in value: if var != 'QTCORE': if lib in core: continue accu.append('-Wl,--rpath='+lib) env['RPATH_' + var] = accu process_rpath(self.qt_vars, 'LIBPATH_QTCORE')
[docs]@conf def set_qt5_libs_to_check(self): qt_ver = '6' if self.want_qt6 else '5' if not self.qt_vars: dirlst = Utils.listdir(self.env.QTLIBS) pat = self.env.cxxshlib_PATTERN if Utils.is_win32: pat = pat.replace('.dll', '.lib') if self.environ.get('QT' + qt_ver + '_FORCE_STATIC'): pat = self.env.cxxstlib_PATTERN if Utils.unversioned_sys_platform() == 'darwin': pat = r"%s\.framework" if self.want_qt6: # match Qt6Name or QtName but not Qt5Name mid_pattern = pat % 'Qt6?(?P<name>[^5]\\w+)' else: # match Qt5Name or QtName but not Qt6Name mid_pattern = pat % 'Qt5?(?P<name>[^6]\\w+)' re_qt = re.compile('^%s$' % mid_pattern) for x in sorted(dirlst): m = re_qt.match(x) if m: self.qt_vars.append("Qt%s%s" % (qt_ver,'name'))) if not self.qt_vars: self.fatal('cannot find any Qt%s library (%r)' % (qt_ver, self.env.QTLIBS)) qtextralibs = getattr(Options.options, 'qtextralibs', None) if qtextralibs: self.qt_vars.extend(qtextralibs.split(','))
[docs]@conf def set_qt5_defines(self): qt_ver = '6' if self.want_qt6 else '5' if sys.platform != 'win32': return for x in self.qt_vars: y=x.replace('Qt' + qt_ver, 'Qt')[2:].upper() self.env.append_unique('DEFINES_%s' % x.upper(), 'QT_%s_LIB' % y)
[docs]def options(opt): """ Command-line options """ opt.add_option('--want-rpath', action='store_true', default=False, dest='want_rpath', help='enable the rpath for qt libraries') for i in 'qtdir qtbin qtlibs'.split(): opt.add_option('--'+i, type=str, default='', dest=i) opt.add_option('--translate', action='store_true', help='collect translation strings', dest='trans_qt5', default=False) opt.add_option('--qtextralibs', type=str, default='', dest='qtextralibs', help='additional qt libraries on the system to add to default ones, comma separated')