#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8
# daniel.svensson at purplescout.se 2008
# Thomas Nagy 2016-2018 (ita)
Support for Ruby extensions. A C/C++ compiler is required::
def options(opt):
opt.load('compiler_c ruby')
def configure(conf):
conf.load('compiler_c ruby')
def build(bld):
features = 'c cshlib rubyext',
source = 'rb_mytest.c',
target = 'mytest_ext',
install_path = '${ARCHDIR_RUBY}')
bld.install_files('${LIBDIR_RUBY}', 'Mytest.rb')
import os
from waflib import Errors, Options, Task, Utils
from waflib.TaskGen import before_method, feature, extension
from waflib.Configure import conf
@before_method('apply_incpaths', 'process_source', 'apply_bundle', 'apply_link')
def init_rubyext(self):
Add required variables for ruby extensions
self.install_path = '${ARCHDIR_RUBY}'
self.uselib = self.to_list(getattr(self, 'uselib', ''))
if not 'RUBY' in self.uselib:
if not 'RUBYEXT' in self.uselib:
@before_method('apply_link', 'propagate_uselib_vars')
def apply_ruby_so_name(self):
Strip the *lib* prefix from ruby extensions
self.env.cshlib_PATTERN = self.env.cxxshlib_PATTERN = self.env.rubyext_PATTERN
def check_ruby_version(self, minver=()):
Checks if ruby is installed.
If installed the variable RUBY will be set in environment.
The ruby binary can be overridden by ``--with-ruby-binary`` command-line option.
ruby = self.find_program('ruby', var='RUBY', value=Options.options.rubybinary)
version = self.cmd_and_log(ruby + ['-e', 'puts defined?(VERSION) ? VERSION : RUBY_VERSION']).strip()
except Errors.WafError:
self.fatal('could not determine ruby version')
self.env.RUBY_VERSION = version
ver = tuple(map(int, version.split('.')))
except Errors.WafError:
self.fatal('unsupported ruby version %r' % version)
cver = ''
if minver:
cver = '> ' + '.'.join(str(x) for x in minver)
if ver < minver:
self.fatal('ruby is too old %r' % ver)
self.msg('Checking for ruby version %s' % cver, version)
def check_ruby_ext_devel(self):
Check if a ruby extension can be created
if not self.env.RUBY:
self.fatal('ruby detection is required first')
if not self.env.CC_NAME and not self.env.CXX_NAME:
self.fatal('load a c/c++ compiler first')
version = tuple(map(int, self.env.RUBY_VERSION.split(".")))
def read_out(cmd):
return Utils.to_list(self.cmd_and_log(self.env.RUBY + ['-rrbconfig', '-e', cmd]))
def read_config(key):
return read_out('puts RbConfig::CONFIG[%r]' % key)
cpppath = archdir = read_config('archdir')
if version >= (1, 9, 0):
ruby_hdrdir = read_config('rubyhdrdir')
cpppath += ruby_hdrdir
if version >= (2, 0, 0):
cpppath += read_config('rubyarchhdrdir')
cpppath += [os.path.join(ruby_hdrdir[0], read_config('arch')[0])]
self.check(header_name='ruby.h', includes=cpppath, errmsg='could not find ruby header file', link_header_test=False)
self.env.LIBPATH_RUBYEXT = read_config('libdir')
self.env.LIBPATH_RUBYEXT += archdir
self.env.INCLUDES_RUBYEXT = cpppath
self.env.CFLAGS_RUBYEXT = read_config('CCDLFLAGS')
self.env.rubyext_PATTERN = '%s.' + read_config('DLEXT')[0]
# ok this is really stupid, but the command and flags are combined.
# so we try to find the first argument...
flags = read_config('LDSHARED')
while flags and flags[0][0] != '-':
flags = flags[1:]
# we also want to strip out the deprecated ppc flags
if len(flags) > 1 and flags[1] == "ppc":
flags = flags[2:]
self.env.LINKFLAGS_RUBYEXT = flags
self.env.LINKFLAGS_RUBYEXT += read_config('LIBS')
if Options.options.rubyarchdir:
self.env.ARCHDIR_RUBY = Options.options.rubyarchdir
self.env.ARCHDIR_RUBY = read_config('sitearchdir')[0]
if Options.options.rubylibdir:
self.env.LIBDIR_RUBY = Options.options.rubylibdir
self.env.LIBDIR_RUBY = read_config('sitelibdir')[0]
def check_ruby_module(self, module_name):
Check if the selected ruby interpreter can require the given ruby module::
def configure(conf):
:param module_name: module
:type module_name: string
self.start_msg('Ruby module %s' % module_name)
self.cmd_and_log(self.env.RUBY + ['-e', 'require \'%s\';puts 1' % module_name])
except Errors.WafError:
self.fatal('Could not find the ruby module %r' % module_name)
def process(self, node):
return self.create_task('run_ruby', node)
[docs]class run_ruby(Task.Task):
Task to run ruby files detected by file extension .rb::
def options(opt):
def configure(ctx):
def build(bld):
bld.env.RBFLAGS = '-e puts "hello world"'
run_str = '${RUBY} ${RBFLAGS} -I ${SRC[0].parent.abspath()} ${SRC}'
[docs]def options(opt):
Add the ``--with-ruby-archdir``, ``--with-ruby-libdir`` and ``--with-ruby-binary`` options
opt.add_option('--with-ruby-archdir', type=str, dest='rubyarchdir', help='Specify directory where to install arch specific files')
opt.add_option('--with-ruby-libdir', type=str, dest='rubylibdir', help='Specify alternate ruby library path')
opt.add_option('--with-ruby-binary', type=str, dest='rubybinary', help='Specify alternate ruby binary')